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Until We Meet Again, London


It is officially my last few hours in London as I am currently sitting in Heathrow Airport waiting to go to my gate. I have no words on how amazing being here for the semester has been. It's a bitter-sweet kind of feeling sitting here knowing that I'll be on a plane in just a few short hours. I have met so many amazing friends that it hurts my heart to have to say goodbye to them so soon. I have learned so much about myself; who I am as a person; how to navigate independence; that I am headed towards the right career path. I fell in love with my internship at The Space, so much so that I kept going even when my school credit was filled. I went on countless adventures, big and small. And so much more.

While there were rough moments when I got homesick and missed everyone in the U.S., I have never once regretted my decision to come here. London really has become my home away from home. However, as hard as it is to say goodbye, I think I am ready to be back with my friends and family.

I'll never forget all the blessings this trip and this city have given me. As cheesy as it sounds, this really has been the adventure of a lifetime. I'll be back one day to London without a doubt!

(Since there is no possible way I could narrow down my favorite photos, here are some of the amazing friends I have made here!)

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